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- @A@2The Bargee
- @FHnewcentury24
- @FAbeton13
- @FMdarkparticle08
- {2@1
- 1As soon as I heard that the documentary `30 Years in the Tardis' was to be
- 1released on video, re-edited to almost twice the length, I knew I wanted this
- 1video. I was expecting it to be good and so I bought the fist copy I saw in
- 1WH Smiths. Just picking up the video I could see it was going to be good. The
- {1BBC had gone to the expense of using @2shiny red@1 lettering and great Andrew
- 1Skilleter art work. I think it's fair to say I had high expectations, very
- 1high expectations, very, very high... I can honestly say that this video (as
- 1they say in that advert) exceeded my expectations.
- 1
- 1After the copyright, the BBC logo and some Moonbase 3 adverts I awaited some
- 1poorly put together intro (a sad box, highly pixelised, opening or something)
- 1,but to my surprise up popped Patrick Troughten telling everyone to get the
- 1show on the road (the quality of this clip was excellent, it could have been
- 1recorded yesterday). After this I was a little disapointed. The video seemed
- 1to begin just like the TV programme with this kid running around. He met the
- 1Autons, Londeners flee and... whats this Cybermen ? The first of many cuts
- 1that dogged the TV show, restored to the video. This reconstruction idea
- 1continues through the video. I was aware that the TV show had gone to the
- {1expense of recording new material and then throwing it away, but `@7Great balls@1
- 1of fire' you just won't believe how much excellent material was wasted on TV,
- 1until you see this tape.
- 1
- 1The video has been divided into 3 sections: `Doctor Who and the Daleks',
- 1`Monsters and Companions' and `Laughter and tears behind the scenes'. After
- 1each section (about half an hour each) we are presented it with a cliffhanger
- {1- The third doctor in the @3Whomobile,@1 being attacked by a dinosaur, or
- 1Sylvestor and Sophie being attacked, in the Zap Zone, by a Haemovore. Then up
- 1comes the credits and it's commercial break time ! - Doctor Who relaited, of
- 1course. The breaks are amoung some of the best moments of the tape. There is
- 1an advert for Skyray Icelolly, starring a ridiculously bad immitation of the
- 1second Doctor (complete with big hat and flute) and there are also 2 adverts
- 1(which I have been wanting to see for ages) of Tom Baker and Lalla Ward
- 1selling us Prime Computers, in their authentic Doctor Who costumes. These
- 1adverts are excellent and very funny (especialy the second one).
- 1
- 1The interviews seem to have grown a bit since the TV version. All the
- 1interviews are now much longer (with the sole exception of Toyah Wilcox, who
- 1has, thankfully been cut down). In this version of the documentary, we see
- 1Sylvestor MCcoy, Sophie Aldred, Phillip Hinchcliffe, Douglas Adams, Gerry
- 1Anderson and Fraiser Hines, who is at last able to speak. Why these
- 1interviews were cut altogether, I will never know, but then the BBC is a
- {1strange organisation. Elizabeth Sladen and Roberta Tovey are allowed @7massive@1
- 1scenes, which make up for their 2-3 seconds on TV. Also the video has
- 1splashed out on a new name bar at the bottom of the screen. No crummy little
- {1Tardis picture, with flashing light this time, now @4it's a rotating model@1
- {1Tardis, @7semi-transparent@1 bar and a picture of a Dalek to top it off, for good
- 1measure. I was, however suprised that Kevin didn't take this opertunity to
- 1add a new picture each section. E.g. Dalek, K9 and a Pair of Scissors.
- 1
- 1Other stars interviewed on the tape include Deborah Watling, Barry Letts,
- {1Terrance Dicks,@2Nicola Bryant,@1 Eric Saward, John Nathan-Turner and Ken
- {1Livingston, Mike Gatting and Mary Whitehouse (!) from @7the celebrity front.@1
- 1Countless other stars appear throughout the video (mentioned later in
- 1article). There are also a few of the ordinary fans (well famous ordinary
- 1fans, anyway !), like Gary Russel, from DWM and John Levene who has been
- 1slotted in from one of those Planet of the Daleks mini intros. Incidently,
- 1while I'm on the subject, why don't the beeb stick one of these intros on
- 1each new video release, a real fan pleaser.
- 1
- 1Perhaps the only major problem with this tape is that ocassionaly it seems
- 1to loose direction. `Doctor Who and the Daleks' was, I suspect one of the
- 1larger sections. We go through the first three Doctors in detail, looking
- 1through William Harnell's Scrapbook with his granddaughter, watching Patrick
- 1Troughten discribe his character on Pebble Mill at One, Tom Baker telling us
- 1about Jon Pertwee looking like a light bulb and then suddenly change of
- 1subject, and the last 4 Doctors are slot in, quite out of place in `Laughter
- 1and tears behind the scenes'. Another example of this kind of thing is in
- 1`Monsters and Companions'. Leela is discribed as
- {1@3"Popular with the dads, because she came on after the sports result, wearing
- {3next to nothing"@1, Phillip Hinchcliffe defends this acusassion, except his
- 1link wanders off into how he wanted to create an action, adventure serious
- 1and then we are treated to a clip from the Deadly Assassin, with the Doctor's
- 1foot caught in the railtracks - hardly monsters or companions. There are more
- 1instances of this through out the video, luckily I was too engrosed on the
- 1first few viewings to spot them all.
- 1
- 1Another of my favourite parts of the video is the newly filmed action
- 1material. Kevin Davies has filmed many new scenes based on past adventures,
- 1including: Spearhead from Space, The Invasion, The Evil of the Daleks, Terror
- 1of the Autons, The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Invasion of the Dinosaurs, both
- 1Dalek films and more. Also Kevin has produced new Who: Liz Sladen and a
- 1Sontaran, Carole Ann Ford taking control of the Tardis, William Hartnell's
- 1granddaughter meeting the Daleks, TV Comic's flying Daleks etc. Generaly all
- 1this new material is top rate, putting much of the Doctor's past to shame !
- 1The new Who tends to be a bit on the abstract side, however...
- 1
- 1The clips in this documentary are first rate. I am confident that fans of the
- 1sixth and seventh Doctor will be happier, after the disgraceful cuttings that
- 1they got in the TV version. A lot of material has been added, although the
- 1ratio between clips and new material is much better than the TV version and
- 1this time alot more of them don't just come out of video releases. The video
- 1relies a little less on `Resistance is Useless', though it still seems a pity
- 1that they couldn't film there own material in this instance.
- 1The other clips, from other shows are also brilliant. It's nice to get this
- 1opertunity to see clips from Pebble Mill, Whicker's World, Blue Peter et al
- 1that we would never have even known about unless Keviin had treated us to
- 1them. My favourite clips from these shows are mainly from Blue Peter. Their
- 1design a monster competition is absolutely ridiculous and all of the winning
- 1entries are crap (apart from the Hypnotron - possibly !). The BP clip
- 1advertising The War Machines is also laughable
- {1@5"Look at the power in those arms !"@1, yeah right Chris.
- 1There is however one funnier clip, which I won't spoil too much. It's from
- 1`Good Morning with Anne and Nick' and has Jon Pertwee turning their Dalek
- 1competition into a complete cock up.
- 1
- 1My favourite section is definately `Laughter and tears', which also is sadly
- 1the shortest. As you might expect this section contains all the leftovers -
- 1the cuts, the out takes, new found materialand clips from other shows (e.g.
- 1Tom Baker leaving the show on `NationWide'). I always love this kind of stuff
- 1and just as I was getting into it the credits roled up. Luckily the out takes
- 1continued above the credits for a few minutes, but this wasn't good enough
- 1for me. I wanted to see behind the scenes on The Claws of Axos, Ghostlight,
- 1Planet of Fire (interesting this clip !), Carnival of monsters etc. Why
- 1couldn't the BBC have made it full screen, longer clips and with sound ?
- 1Tight with there money as usual. This last section could easily have
- 1supported a video on it's own. Why can't Doctor Who fans enjoy a video like
- 1Red Dwarf Smeg Ups ? - there's certainly enough material.
- 1
- 1The video finaly ends, after a cresendo of cliff hangers with the long
- {1awaited @2Evil of the Daleks reconstruction@1 and Tom Baker waving us with a
- 1smile and a
- 1"It's very good isn't it."
- 1
- 1All in all one of the greatest releases ever to come out of BBC Enterprises.
- 1Kevin Davies fought long and hard for this extended release and his time was
- 1not wasted. Of all the special releases (The years, early years etc.) this is
- 1the finest video. Because of it's TV showing, it might not have had the
- 1impact of the restored Shada, but I believe that it is better than even that
- {1(Better than Shada, @7better than sex ?@1). Every Doctor Who fan should, no must
- 1own this video. Every science fiction admirer should own this video. Even the
- 1casual viewer can gain alot out of it. This is the release that will drag
- 1you into to the Whonivere and you'll never want to leave.
- 1
- 1Now the BBC have sold the show off to the Americans, it is pleasing to
- 1think that proberly the last great Who the BBC will ever make is so good.
- {1Kevin Davies deserves a medal (or a least a @7rubber Dalek suit@1) for this
- 1excellent documentary.
- 1
- {1Biased verdict @396%
- X0*]